Registration Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do before registration opens?
You should review the project descriptions listed under Corporate Partner Projects.
Make a list of your top 5 projects and find the corresponding CRNs (see tutorial) so you are ready to go for open registration.
When is open registration? When can I change my Corporate Partner team?
Continuing students
The open registration schedule is set by Purdue. The exact time of day it opens depends on how many credits you have earned. All students should have access by the end of the day, but the exact time of day will vary student to student. exact time
If you applied to The Data Mine before the priority deadline of December 18, 2021, open registration is open April 21, 2022 - June 3, 2022 at 5 PM. It will reopen on July 26, 2022.
If you applied to The Data Mine on or after December 18, 2021, you will have access to register starting April 25, 2022 - June 3, 2022. It will reopen on July 26, 2022.
Incoming students
Incoming students may register during open registration starting July 26, 2022
I’ve read through the project descriptions, and I have picked which one I want to be on. How do I register?
See the How to Register page to see the registration tutorial.
I want to register for a team, but the project description says “*Registration: Instructor approval required”. What should I do?
Some projects will have a note “*Registration: Instructor approval required”. This means there are additional requirements or background experience needed.
If you want to be on one of these teams, please submit an instructor approval override on registration. In the notes section of the override, you must include any relevant information required to be on the team.
Where does the LAB meet?
The 1 hour 50 minute “lab” portion of the course will meet in-person. During this time, you will meet with your student group to work on the project.
What does “SYNC ONLINE” mean for the LEC?
The 50 minute “lec” portion of the course will meet synchronously online via Zoom because most Corporate Partner Mentors are not located near the West Lafayette area. This is your weekly team meeting with your Corporate Partner Mentor (employee at the company).
I want to register for a team, but I have a conflict with another course. What can I do?
First, you should reach out to your academic advisor to see if there are alternative meeting times or substitute courses you could switch to.
If there are not any other options, you will have to pick another team. By the end of summer, there will be 75+ projects to choose from.
Course conflicts with the meeting times will not be approved. You must be able to attend both meetings as listed in the course catalog.
I want to register for a team that looks like there are available seats, but it says the section is full.
Each team has different CRNs for TDM 11100/21100/31100/41100 level courses, but the teams are linked (cross-listed). The team limit includes all of the cross-listed CRNs. In order to see how many spaces are available on the team, click the team CRN indicated by the arrow below.

Please note that although 1 of 6 spaces have been taken for the 27920 level course, overall the team has 4 of 6 spaces taken, so please make sure to view this detailed information to see if there is space remaining on a team for which you wish to register.

The seats remaining column is blank. Is that an error?
If you hover over the capacity, it will show “crosslist remain = 0”. This means the team is full.

The team I want to register for is full. Is there a waitlist?
This year, the Registrar’s Office reimplemented the waitlist feature. More info to come soon.
How many hours per week should I expect to spend on this work course?
This is a 1 credit hour course so it will take about 1-3 hours per week.
Corporate Partners
We estimate that this will take 8-10 hours per week, just like a typical 3 credit course.
Am I committing for a semester or a year?
This a 9-month commitment, from August 2022 to April 2023.
I still have questions that weren’t answered here.
You can email us your question(s) at